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Complete list of DesignMerge training videos

DesignMerge Pro Basic Training

This section covers the basic operation of DesignMerge Pro variable data software, and provides everything you need to know to produce your first variable data job. The training begins with an understanding of the data types supported by DesignMerge (text, pictures, etc.), along with a quick walk-through of how to reference these variable data elements in your InDesign document. Subsequent videos in this section cover the complete setup of a variable data Bank Letter that includes variable text, pictures, parent pages and basic rules.

Once you have completed all of the videos in the Basic Training section, you will have a very good understanding of how to prepare a variable data job using DesignMerge software, and will be ready to pursue related topics such as Advanced Rules, Imposition and Styling features. For the best possible training experience, please view the Basic Training videos in the order presented below.

  • Basic Training Videos
  • Video Tutorial Introduction

    This video introduces the tutorial files that you will be working on for the Basic Training, and lets you know where to download them so you can work at your own pace.

     Basic Training Intro
  • Creating a Data File

    This video demonstrates how to use Microsoft Excel to create a sample data file that is compatible with DesignMerge software. The video also discusses the various types of delimited text data files supported by DesignMerge software.

     Creating a Data File
  • Initial Setup Process

    Once you have a data file ready, the next step is to tell DesignMerge about it. In this initial setup you will create what we term a Data Source Definition  (referred to as a DDF  for short). A DDF describes to DesignMerge all of the fields in your data file so you can reference those fields as variable data in your InDesign document. This video takes you through the initial setup process using the sample data file for the Basic Training tutorial.

     Initial Setup Process
  • The Basics of Tagging

    After you have run through the initial setup process, you are now ready to start assigning variable data links to your document, a process we refer to as tagging the document  for Variable Data. This video takes you through the basic steps of tagging Text, Picture, Article, Barcode, and GroupPicture items in your InDesign document using the sample files provided in the Basic Training tutorial download.

     Basics of Tagging
  • Preparing a Variable Data Letter

    You have learned the basics of setup and tagging, so now you will prepare an actual variable data job. This video takes you through a variable Bank Letter job, and includes all of the tagging features described in the previous video.

     Variable Data Letter
  • Working with Rules

    To add even further variability, this video shows you how to use the Rules module, which is a standard component of the software. In this video we demonstrate the use of Link Rules  to change text and select variable graphics, as well as Page Rules  to swap in completely different layouts using both Parent Pages and InDesign Layers. Note: If you feel that you have learned enough so far (or have no interest in learning Rules), please feel free to skip this video and proceed to the next video in the series, which will show you how to generate optimized PDF/VT output from your variable data job.

     Working with Rules
  • Create Optimized PDF/VT Output

    At this point in the training, the Bank Letter job has been fully prepared and is ready for VDP output. This video shows you how to produce optimized PDF/VT output by merging the document with the data file. The result will be a multi-page PDF file where each page contains a unique copy of the Bank Letter. The PDF file will be fully optimized by caching all static and variable content, which ensures the most efficient processing on your digital press.

     Create PDF/VT Output

DesignMerge PDF Imposer (Multi-up Imposition)

This set of training videos covers the use of our new DesignMerge PDF Imposer software, which is a powerful imposition tool that works directly within Adobe InDesign. Using PDF Imposer, your imposition templates are custom-designed using standard Adobe InDesign tools, and the entire imposition process can be controlled directly from within Adobe InDesign as well (no Acrobat or any other third-party software required)! The software can be operated as a standalone imposition tool, but has also been integrated directly with DesignMerge Pro variable data software, allowing you to produce and impose all of your VDP jobs in a single operation. And of course, PDF Imposer has also been tightly integrated with Enfocus Switch and our DesignMerge Automation offering. If you are looking for information about how to use the older, built-in method of imposition provided by DesignMerge Pro software, please click here to view the Legacy Imposition training videos.

  • DesignMerge PDF imposer Videos
  • DesignMerge PDF Imposer Basics

    This video takes you through the entire DesignMerge PDF Imposer process, from template design in Adobe InDesign, all the way through your very first multi-up imposition. Please be sure to view this video first to become familiar with the basic process and various terms and features supported by DesignMerge PDF Imposer.

     PDF Imposer Basics
  • Using PDF Imposer with DesignMerge Pro

    If you are already using (or may be considering) DesignMerge Pro software to produce your variable data jobs, this video will demonstrate how you can also impose your VDP output at the same time. When the DesignMerge PDF Imposer module is installed, DesignMerge Pro software will automatically detect the module and allow you to choose a PDF Imposer Imposition Template at the start of the PDF/VT session. The VDP job is then run out one-up, and automatically imposed at the same time.

     DesignMerge Integration
  • Step and Repeat Imposition

    This video discusses how to create a traditional Step and Repeat imposition, which imposes multiple copies of a single PDF file. Step and Repeat supports both Simplex and Duplex impositions. Also covered in this video is the Fill Sheet option, which can be used to maximize the number of imposed items on each sheet.

     Step and Repeat
  • 2up Saddle Stitch Imposition

    This video demonstrates the PDF Imposer 2up Saddle Stitch booklet imposition support for both Static Booklets (all booklets have the same number of pages) or for Dynamic Booklets (where a single template can be used for booklets that contain any number of pages). The video also covers the Batch Processing feature of PDF Imposer that is capable of processing hundreds of PDF files using a single Imposition Template. In addition, the video demonstrates how to produce a variable data set of booklets using DesignMerge Pro software. Finally, the video demonstrates how to impose a static booklet inside of your Adobe InDesign document, which is very handle for a quick proof, or even a final imposition!

     2up Saddle Stitch
  • Label Sort Imposition

    Label Sort is an imposition method that splits a variable data job across multiple rows or columns in the imposition template. This imposition method is ideal for roll-fed label presses, or for cutter/slitter devices such as those by Duplo. In this video we demonstrate how to create a Label Sort imposition for a series of consecutively numbered labels designed to be printed on a roll-fed label device. The video also discusses a few of the Label Sort options, including Record Padding and Reverse Ordering of the imposed items.

     Label Sort
  • Outside Edge Bleed Feature

    In this video we discuss how to use the Outside Edge Bleed feature of DesignMerge PDF Imposer. The Outside Edge Bleed feature can serve to reduce the number of cuts required to trim multi-up jobs that share a common bleed background. The video demonstrates this feature using the same sample Postcard job that was presented in the PDF Imposer Basics training video.

     Outside Edge Bleed
  • Custom Imposition – Dutch Cut Letters

    This video demonstrates how to produce a custom Dutch Cut imposition template, and covers a number of helpful PDF Imposer features. A Dutch Cut imposition can be used to maximize the printed area of a sheet by rotating some of the imposed items and using those to fill in unused space. The video demonstrates the Change Sequence Number feature, which is used to re-order the sequencing of imposed items on the pages. Also covered are the Align Selected Items and Duplex Selected Items features, which you will find very handy when designing a custom template of your own.

     Dutch Cut Letters
  • Custom Imposition – Interlaced Triangle Stickers

    In this video a custom template is created for a series of triangle-shaped stickers that must be rotated and interlaced to maximize the number of stickers that can be printed on the sheet. The video shows how to use a preview image to precisely align and overlap Imposition Frames using standard Adobe InDesign tools. Also covered is how to convert any existing InDesign picture frame (with or without content) into a PDF Imposer Imposition Frame with just a few clicks.

     Interlaced Triangles

DesignMerge Bar Coding

This section covers the use of DesignMerge Pro and DesignMerge Catalog software for the creation of variable Linear and 2D bar codes. Please note that in order to create variable bar codes, you must have licensed one or both of the optional Bar Code modules for your DesignMerge software. The Bar Code modules provide support for many of the most common Linear and 2D bar codes, such as Code 128, UPC, QR Code, and Data Matrix. Please visit the Bar Code Modules page on the Meadows web site for more information.

  • Linear and 2D Bar Coding
  • Linear and 2D Bar Coding Overview

    This video covers the creation of variable bar codes (both Linear and 2D) using DesignMerge software. The video begins with a brief introduction to bar coding in general, followed by several in-depth examples that take you through the process of creating, sizing and styling both Linear and 2D bar codes. Feel free to use the Chapters feature of the video to jump to a specific section of interest. The instructions presented here are for Adobe InDesign 2022 and NEWER versions of the software. If you are running an older version of Adobe InDesign, please click here to visit the Legacy Bar Code Documentation on this web site.

     Bar Coding Overview
  • vCard QR Code Example and 2D Template Overview

    This video describes the use of the 2D Bar Code Module Template feature to create variable vCard QR Codes and other 2D bar code formats. Before proceeding with this training video, you must be familiar with how to create a DesignMerge placeholder  2D bar code in an InDesign document. For more details about the basics of 2D bar coding, including how to create DesignMerge placeholder  2D bar codes, please see the previous Linear and 2D Bar Coding Overview training video.

     vCard QR Code
  • Swiss QR-bill Example

    This video describes the use of the 2D Bar Code Module to create variable Swiss QR-bill 2D bar codes. The Swiss QR-bill is a QR Code-based payment system where the QR Code contains all of the required payment information. The data for the QR-code must be organized in a specific format according to the published specification. This video describes two different methods for creating variable QR-bill codes, one by reading the QR-bill formatted data directly from a single field in the data file, and a separate approach that utilizes the 2D Bar Code Module Template feature.

     Swiss QR-bill
  • Data Matrix Page and Record Counter Example

    This video demonstrates how to create a 2D Data Matrix barcode that encodes page number and record number data for a variable data job, which can be helpful for direct mail applications that may contain multiple pages. The video covers the use of the built-in Page Number, Page Count, and Record Number functions, and also discusses the use of our Embedded Link feature, which can be used to concatenate or insert data from one or more data fields using a simple text-based reference.

     Data Matrix Counters

DesignMerge Pro Pack Module Features

The Pro Pack is an optional module that, when installed, provides access to a collection of specialized features that are designed to address specific variable data challenges. By installing the Pro Pack, you now have access to our Data Converter and Variable Table features (used to group records together and automatically remove empty table rows across pages), as well as to the powerful Tray Break Utility, which can help to streamline bulk mail personalization that is sorted by mailing trays. In addition to these unique features, the Pro Pack also provides access to a limited version of our software API, allowing you to develop Custom Rule Actions that can be used for advanced data formatting and style changes. This collection of training videos cover all of the features included in the Pro Pack.

  • DesignMerge Pro Pack Videos
  • Tray Break Utility

    This video demonstrates how to install and use the Pro Pack Tray Break Utility, which is designed to automate the processing of direct mail pieces where the data file is sorted and separated by “Trays”. The utility automatically analyzes your data file to locate a change in the Tray field (known as a “Tray Break”), and subsequently produces individual, personalized PDF/VT output containing only the records associated with each tray.

     Tray Break Utility
  • Variable Table and Empty Page Omission Features

    This video covers the Variable Table feature that provides the ability to remove empty or flagged InDesign table rows during a merge session, thereby “collapsing” the overall height of the table. This video also covers the use of DesignMerge Frame Actions that can be used to omit pages from printing based on the content of an existing frame. The Frame Action feature is ideal for larger tables that expand and contract across multiple document pages.

     Variable Tables
  • Custom Rule Action Development with JavaScript

    This video covers the development of Custom Rule Actions using JavaScript. A Custom Rule Action provides the ability to create completely customized data processing and styling Actions that can be triggered by a DesignMerge Rule during the merge session. Custom Rule Actions are a powerful feature that serve to expand upon the already extensive built-in list of available Rule Actions that are standard with DesignMerge software. The example video discusses how to modify a data value that is about to be merged, but the Rule Actions can also be used to modify the document text, colors, styles, graphics, item position, or just about anything that is accessible via the DesignMerge or Adobe InDesign JavaScript interface. A number of sample Rule Actions are provided to help you get started quickly, and of course the Meadows team is also available to assist with more complex development projects.

     Custom Actions

DesignMerge Automation (with Enfocus Switch)

This section covers the use of DesignMerge Pro software in conjunction with the Enfocus Switch workflow automation system. The first video covers the installation of DesignMerge Pro software for use with Enfocus Switch, and describes where to find the very latest DesignMerge Pro Configurator, which provides the integration between the two products. Subsequent videos cover each of the DesignMerge Pro example Switch Flows, and take you through several different automation workflows that can completely streamline your variable data production.

  • DesignMerge Automation Videos
  • Enfocus Switch Installation

    This video demonstrates how to install Enfocus Switch for use with DesignMerge Pro software. If you have already installed a copy of Enfocus Switch (with the required Switch Configurator Module), please skip this video and proceed to the DesignMerge Automation installation video.

     Switch Install
  • DesignMerge Automation Installation and Setup

    This video demonstrates how to install the DesignMerge Pro Configurator, and how to verify that your system is set up properly for use with Enfocus Switch. The video also includes a link to the DesignMerge Automation Resources download, which contains sample flows and other assets required for testing and configuring your DesignMerge/Switch system.

     DesignMerge Install
  • Getting Started with Enfocus Switch

    This video takes you through all of the fundamentals of using DesignMerge Pro software with Enfocus Switch. The video covers creation of a sample flow, discusses flow inputs and outputs, and also demonstrates how to perform error checking and flow branching. The end result is a basic yet complete Switch flow capable of producing PDF/VT output with DesignMerge Pro. It is recommended that you complete this video before moving on to more advanced topics and additional sample flows.

     Getting Started

How To and Other Topics

This section provides additional detail, along with specific solutions for a variety of common variable data and data publishing challenges.

  • How To Videos
  • How to create variable charts using the Chartwell fonts

    This video covers the use of DesignMerge Pro software in conjunction with the Chartwell fonts for creating a series of variable data pie and bar charts. If you are interested in creating variable pie, bar, and other simple chart types, then the Chartwell fonts designed and licensed by Vectro Type may be just the ticket for you.

     Chartwell Font
  • How to maximize performance for DesignMerge Pro PDF/VT output

    This video covers the complete DesignMerge PDF/VT output process, and discusses the best combination of settings to use to achieve maximum performance. For VDP jobs that utilize variable graphics or other assets, the video starts by introducing you to the DesignMerge Preflight Report feature. Preflighting your job is very important if you wish to achieve the best possible performance.

     PDF/VT Performance
  • How to use Rules and MPS Tags with Embedded Links

    Power User Special! This video shows how to change the Font, Color, and Point Size for variable text by reading the values for these attributes from a data file. In addition, the demonstration shows how to apply different InDesign Parent Pages during a merge session, also achieved by reading the name of the Parent Page to use from the data file. This is a great example of how to use Link, Frame, and Page rules in combination with the MPS Tags styling filter, and our Embedded Link feature to provide very precise styling control, all driven by values provided in the data file.

     Rules, Tags and Links